

Project Overview

project type

Large flat ground power stations

project's venue

Jinchuan District, Jinchang City, Gansu Province

Project capacity


Average annual power generation

94.728 million kWh

product type

Hi-MO 5

Technological Highlights:

Jinchuan Photovoltaic Power Station

The Gansu Jinchang Jinchuan 50MW photovoltaic power generation project, located in Jinchang, is a key renewable energy project in Gansu province. This project utilizes advanced photovoltaic technologies and has many highlights in its technical and project aspects.

Firstly, the technical highlights of the project include the large scale and high efficiency of the photovoltaic power generation system, which covers an area of approximately 410 acres and utilizes over 200,000 photovoltaic modules. These modules are made of high-efficiency polycrystalline silicon solar cells with the capacity to convert sunlight into electricity with an efficiency rate of over 17%. The system also adopts advanced decentralized inverter technology, enabling safe and reliable operation of the entire system.

Project Highlights

Project Highlights:

Jinchuan Photovoltaic Power Station

Secondly, in terms of project highlights, this photovoltaic power generation project has many outstanding features. The project adopts a two-phase construction plan, with the first phase of 30MW and the second phase of 20MW. This approach allows for the flexible and efficient use of resources, and reduces waste and costs. Additionally, the project adopts a combination of different financing models, including direct investment, bank loans, and project financing. This allows for a diversified financing structure and improves the financial stability of the project.

Moreover, this project emphasizes innovative management and operation models. For example, the project team adopts an early warning mechanism system for equipment failures and malfunctions, as well as an intelligent inspection and maintenance system. These measures improve the system's efficiency and reliability, and reduce maintenance costs. Furthermore, the project team has developed a comprehensive management system that incorporates water conservation, land restoration, ecological protection, and environmental monitoring. This system promotes the sustainable development of the region and mitigates negative environmental impacts.